Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2007

What Is Reiki? (Part II)

In a previous article we have said that there are three degrees of Reiki and we were talking about the first degree where the attenuement heals the physical diseases of the receiver. When the person receive this attenuement two or three weeks are necessary to adapt. In this period the energy can activate in an unpredictable moment even when healing is not requested. In these moments the person can have strange and unpleasant feelings. He or she can also visualize events of the past lives or even have physical perturbations (diarrhoea, etc.).

When the healer is at the beginning of his or her experience with Reiki the energy modifies the capacity of the healer to canalize it. A greater quantity of energy goes into his or her aura and body. At this moment aura and chakras are cleaned. If the level of energy is such to cause physical problems it is recommended that the beginner heals him or herself or the receiver in order to balance the energy and reduce the unpleasant sensations. After receiving the first degree of Reiki it is necessary to undergo as many healing sessions as possible for the first month for him or herself or the person to be healed.

With the second degree of Reiki the level of energy increases a lot. This energy focuses on the complete healing of the person, including the emotional and mental aspects. With the transmission this energy brings back all the emotions and problems of the past (including those of the previous lives) and removes them. This process can take more than one month, sometimes six months or more and some pain can be felt, but it is absolutely necessary.

The second degree of Reiki makes available more energy for each healing session. Moreover means and methods are made available to heal from remote. At this aim three new symbols are made available and must be used. These are already available in the aura of the healer at the first degree and flow out automatically from his or her hands during each healing session. During the second degree of Reiki the healer learn how to drive the energy flux and the gets the information to canalize the energy and make the attenuements when at the third degree.

The third level is that to become Master, i.e. a teacher or expert in Reiki. The attenuement is related to the spiritual energy and heals the receiver. While the second degree required a strong effort with the third level the process is easier. The healer increases his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy and healing. Two more symbols are also provided. More information on the symbols and methods of attenuement transmissions are also provided.

At the first degree the healer has only to put his or her hands on the receiver to perform the healing process. The energy then does the rest, just flowing out from the hands. The energy knows where to go even better than the healer. So he or she does not need to worry about how to drive it. All the body’s levels are healed: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This allows to completely healing the receiver. Reiki will solve the problem whatever is the cause of it. It will also heal other diseases in case the energy should find them in the way of healing.

When we talk about Reiki we cannot talk only of the physical body. There are also other three invisible bodies where the energy is present: the vibrational bodies. The healing process according to Reiki involves also these bodies. If compared to the traditional medicine, which treats only the physical body, Reiki performs a deeper healing process achieving better results. With Reiki we not only remove the problem but also the cause of it at the root. In fact a disease can also have a cause that can be not physical. Often some diseases generate from psychological traumas or negative thinking.

Donnerstag, 27. September 2007

What Is Reiki? (Part I)

The action to put your hands on yours or other people’s or animals’ body to heal is in our nature. When we feel pain the first thing we do is to bring our hands where we have pain.
When we have fever we put our hands on our forehead to reduce suffer. The touch brings heat, serenity and healing.
Animals do almost the same when they leak a wounded part of their body.
In the animal world a mother leaks her kids when they are sick and human beings touch their babies with their hands.

The human or animal body irradiates heat and energy, which is vital force. This concept is well known and mentioned in all the human cultures, and this energy has different names according to each of these cultures. For example in India it is called Prana and because of this name we today talk about prana healing. Chinese call it Chi and for this reason today we know about Ch’i Kung, an ancient healing discipline.

In Reiki the healers have to open the energetic channels and to remove the blocks through harmonisations. The healers receive the energy to heal them and connect to the source of the universal energy, also called universal Ki.

Reiki is not a religion; neither is connected to a religion. It is the source of life. It is an entity and as a concept is even older than religious philosophy.

Every living thing has Ki inside. Who or what receives a harmonisation or attenuement is in direct contact with its illuminated source.
There is more than one level of attenuement. With the first level the living entity becomes a channel that drives the energy. When the first attenuement is received, in the future the entity has to put its hands on its or other entities’ body to connect to the universal Ki. The energy will flow automatically.

The attenuement that put into direct contact to the source of Ki, increases the vital energy also of those receiving it. They realize an energy that heals them and they would be able to heal other people, and this energy will not extinguish.
When receiving the attenuement the entity is getting a gift which will change its life in positive.

Montag, 24. September 2007

The Origin of Reiki (Part I)

Reiki is a very simple and efficient healing system with the imposition of hands.
Many people struggled to discover the origins and the age of Reiki. It is not very easy.
Much useful information has not been translated into English yet and some even have never been written.
The history of traditional Reiki starts in 1800, although it is assumed to be quite older.
Th information available before the written texts, available only through the canalization, are theoretic, yet amazing and stimulating. Although this information is not proven it is very interested and cannot be neglected.

Many people, interested in Reiki, or canalization experts affirm that the human being history started on another planet and the human race has been brought on Earth.
Translators of ancient texts are verifying these theories. We have to say they are really courageous.
Someone affirms that the Reiki technique originated on the same planet where Gods with many hands were born on the Earth planet. This is also part of the ancient Indian culture.
According to this culture the god Shiva brought Reiki on Earth and he wanted to be remembered for this.

The human body was created to be compliant to the characteristics of the Earth planet and Reiki was embedded in its genetic code.
As a consequence, Reiki is part of us. Everyone has Reiki inside. Time ago was universal and was created to be used.
The kids of one of the first civilizations, Mu, got the first level Attunement of Reiki at the beginning of the primary school, while the second level Attunement at the beginning of the secondary school.
The Master level was only for the teachers but was available for everyone.

When this people left the land of Mu to go to places like India and Tibet, Reiki remained with them, even when Mu disappeared.
The changes on Earth, when Mu and Atlantis disappeared, created several cultural imbalances, and Reiki was patrimony of only few people.
In 1800 a Japanese men discovered that the healing method of Jesus and Buddha was similar to what Shiva has brought on Earth, and it was written in the Indian esoteric doctrines.

The history of Traditional Reiki started around the middle of 1800 when Mikao Usui, chancellor at the University of Kyoto, in Japan, and also Christian priest, started a research to discover which healing method Jesus used.
The Christian authorities told him that little was said about this method and little was known.
Usui started then to look for useful information within Buddhism, as there were several affinities between the life of Buddha in India and that of Jesus in Palestine.
Unfortunately the Buddhist monks told him that the ancient healing method was lost and the only way to know them was to follow the instructions of the Lightening Path.

Mikao Usui went and lived in the USA for seven years. He applied at the theology faculty of the University of Chicago where he would find what he was looking for.
He performed studies and comparisons between religions and philosophies, but he did not find the answers he was looking for.
Then he came back to Japan and was remembered as Buddhist monk in a Zen monastery.
The Reiki Master William Rand discovered that Usui was never chancellor of the Doshisha University neither student nor professor. Also it is not proven that he was at the University of Chicago.
We may think that the Christian part of his life is an invention by the western people to justify the power of Reiki in the United States.

By the way Mikao Usui found some writings in the Zen monastery. In this writings there was the description of the healing formula.
There was no information regarding the method of activation and use of the energy.
To comprehend the content he studied Sanskrit and then he discovered that the formula was very easy.
He meditated three weeks, did fasting and prayed on Koriyama Mount.
One day he saw a light beam towards him. The beam hit his Third Eye and he lost acquaintance for a while. When he woke up again he saw the Reiki symbols on a screen. While watching them he received the information to attract the healing energy. In this way the first Reiki Attunement occurred, first psychic re-discover of an ancient method.

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007

Do Reiki Healers Channel "Reiki Guides"?

Do Reiki Healers Channel "Reiki Guides"?
Reiki is an easy to learn method of healing. No special physical or intellectual abilities are required and anybody can learn the art of Reiki healing extremely quickly.
How Does Reiki work?
I was initiated to Reiki 1 in February 1993. To Reiki 2 a few months later and as a Reiki Master in September 2004. I started teaching towards the beginning of 1995.
When I studied Reiki 1, I asked my Master to explain where the energy was coming from. She told me that Reiki was "Universal Life energy". The energy that is around us. This energy allows trees and plants to grow and allows us to be alive. In those days, my left brain (the analytical one) was still dominant and I needed more explanation. So I asked this Master to show me this energy and she could not. It is in fact easy to show this energy. In my Reiki courses, I teach students how to see the energy field that is around us. This is called the aura. Most students are able to see the first layer of the aura (the etheric field) after only a few seconds.
When I studied Reiki 2, I once again asked my Master where the energy was coming from and pretty much got the same answer. I was baffled by the intelligence in Reiki. Lets work through an example to illustrate this point.
Say you are faced with a Client suffering from headaches. Headaches have many causes. They can be due to poor eyesight, spinal problems, neck tension, constipation etc. Lets assume your Client suffers from constipation and that this is the cause of his headaches. You will treat him with Reiki on the head. However, this may trigger a bowel movement. As such, Reiki has addressed the root of the problem.
The magic of Reiki however does not stop there. Reiki will also try to give him the cause of his constipation. The next day, he may go out and one of his friends explains to him that at last he is no longer constipated as he has changed his diet and is now eating more fibre and less animal food (over simplified for this example). He has his answer. If he ignores it, he may well find himself reading an article in a magazine with a similar explanation a few days later. Eventually, if he keeps on ignoring the messages, they will stop.
Reiki Guides
This intelligence baffled me. Eventually, I did my Reiki Masters with William Rand from the United States in September 1994. William talked about Reiki guides in his course and this got me interested. Could these guides be the intelligence behind Reiki? When I got back home after the course, I decided to study Spirit Guides and bought a book simply called "Spirit Guides" by Iris Belhayes. This lady channelled her spirit guide who wrote the book through her. A small but very challenging book. I learnt about the theory of "life after death", the process of life in the Spirit world and reincarnation. Fascinating stuff it was for me at the time. I began to believe that the Reiki intelligence was because these Reiki Guides directed the energy in our body.
Then, one day, I got confirmation. I was helping Marie, a friend of mine who had a problem with one knee. Marie was born clairvoyant. During the treatment, she asked me how Reiki works and I told her about "Universal life energy" but also told her about my belief about Reiki guides.
As she was a clairvoyant and could talk to the dead, I asked her to get in a trance and try to "talk" to the guide who was working on her knee. To my amazement, Marie did, and the 40 most amazing minutes of my life started when I had a full conversation with my guide through her.
I asked many questions during this time. Who was my guide? Details of his previous life etc.. We also asked what was wrong with my Marie's knee. He said that the pain and the swelling were due to a bit of cartilage that had come off the patella (kneecap) and was digging into the tibia bone. The guide said that he would be able to get rid of the pain and the swelling but could not remove the bit of cartilage and that surgery would be necessary. This was true. The pain could be controlled but kept coming back.
At one stage during the conversation, my friend said the guide was going to work on me. My descending colon was twisted and he was going to straighten it. Just before she said this, I had felt a pain on the left side of my colon. A short while later, a gurgling noise came out of my intestines and the pain disappeared. My friend said the guide was finished with me and he was coming back to work on her. I was speechless!
Eventually, the prediction came true and my friend had to go to hospital to have the piece of cartilage removed. The surgeon who talked to her after the arthroscopy said: "You had a piece of cartilage that had come off your patella and was digging into your tibia bone.." My friend said :"I know...(but know explaining how she knew)" These 40 minutes were amongst the most amazing in my life and they changed the way I teach Reiki. To me the intelligence in Reiki is due to "Reiki guides".
A Reiki Meditation to meet your Guide
In all my Reiki courses, I offer a simple meditation for students to meet their Reiki guide. I am pleased to say that nowadays most do. Prior to the meditation, I take the students through a relaxation. The meditation journey takes them to a beautiful beach with golden sand, a forest and a waterfall where their guide awaits in he mist. A simple but very effective mediation.
The emotions felt by students who meet their Guides for the first time is extremely satisfying to witness.
This meditation is recorded and offered to students so they can repeat the experience in the comfort of their own home.
The Reiki Intelligence at work
This happened to me a few years ago and it demonstrates the intelligence in Reiki:
A few years ago, I used to run ITEC qualifying courses in Massage, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and other qualifying courses. One exam day around noon, I went upstairs to my office to get some papers and coming down I slipped on a piles of papers I had left lying on a step. My right hand ring finger caught the banister and I heard a snap.. my fourth metacarpal (the bone just above the ring finger) was not only broken but it had impacted on itself.
My students had waited 6 months to take their exam and I could hardly tell them the day was cancelled as I had broken my metacarpal and I had to go to hospital. Nothing I could do but.. give myself Reiki. I did so between noon and 5.30pm when everybody was gone home and then drove myself to hospital. I had no pain in my hand but it had swollen to a very impressive size. The queue at the hospital was long but on seeing the swelling on my hand, the hospital receptionist called a doctor immediately and then started my first experience of modern medicine since getting seriously ill in 1991.
The doctor confirmed my fourth metacarpal was broken and asked me what pain killers I was taking.. Reiki, I answered.. I explained what Reiki is to him, nearly got him on a course but not quite. The doctor told me he would prescribe some strong pain killers for me but I turned his offer down as I had absolutely no pain. I was sent for X-rays and against my will my hand and arm were plastered. The doctor said I could have surgery, a plate and screws if I wanted to but I refused. I was then sent home.
Impossible to do anything so I kept Reiki-ing myself. The first night, I slept 10 hours which is unheard of for me. A couple of days after the accident, I felt a pain on the lateral part of my hand, on metacarpal 5, underneath my little finger. I knew that this was not where the broken bone was but Reiki would not get rid of that pain so.. I went back to visit my consultant.. "Of course you have a pain" he said, "you have broken a bone". I told him the pain did not come from my broken bone but from beneath my little finger. After arguing the merits of referred pains, he finally agreed to undo my plaster and a lovely bruise was revealed underneath my little finger where the plaster had gone in a lump.
Finally I was sent back for another plaster and this is when I asked my Reiki guide for help. I got to the plaster room and the nurse took my card and said: "Hamouy is your name. Are you the famous lecturer from Gerrards Cross?". I had been called a few names since birth but famous had never been one of them! Anyhow, this nurse was interested in one of my courses and we started chit chatting. Eventually, we talked about my hand and she told me she would make a new plaster. I said I was not keen on a plaster as I was self employed and needed my hands everyday to be able to teach massage, Aromatherapy and Reflexology. She laughed but agreed to make a cast (a lengthy process where a type of brown piece of plastic is moulded to the shape of your arm and hand using a hair dryer!!! and acts as a support). I believe the reason they do not offer these to everybody is because it takes too long to mould to shape. Eventually I walked out of the hospital with my new cast.
Getting me back to hospital because of a kink in the plaster is proof of the wonderful intelligence behind Reiki. A bruise that Reiki would not heal and a broken bone that did not cause any pain! For what reason? I believe that this was to get me back to hospital for the cast so I could use my hand much quicker. I have personally experienced this Reiki intelligence many times and heard many stories from my students confirming it. After a week of Reiki, I took the cast off and started using my computer with some of my fingers. A couple of weeks after the accident, I started teaching massage again except for the hacking and cupping strokes. Within 3 weeks, I was teaching Reflexology again and after 4 weeks, my hand was well enough for me to perform most tasks.
The consultant had asked me to come back after 6 weeks for a check up and to take the plaster off. The problem was that I could not find my cast and after extensive research, found it in my youngest son's bedroom as he was using it as a bridge for his cars. I obediently put it back on (as my arm had been supposed to be kept above my heart in a sling for the past 6 weeks) and headed for the hospital.
The consultant looked at my cast with suspicious eyes but did not comment. He laid my hand on his desk and lightly touching the broken bone said: "It's united well". "Yes" I replied. For a while he then looked at my records and my hand obviously puzzled. He then said: "The swelling is gone, that is good". "Yes" I replied. He then said: "Tried to bend your hand like this" and he proceeded to demonstrate what he wanted me to do. This I did at great speed and his mouth collapsed and he got more puzzled. He then asked me to make a fist which I did and told me I would have to go for re-education for several weeks... which I did not.
Another reason I have told you this story is that I believe that if you break a bone, one of the two things may happen.
1- You are taken to hospital very quickly and the bone will not get a chance to set itself, so all is well.
2- For whatever reason, you will not be taken to hospital for quite a while in which case given yourself Reiki may prevent you going into shock and will save on a lot of pain. I also believe that as the guides are intelligent, they will not allow the bone to reset in the wrong place (this is my personal opinion, decide for yourself). I also believe that the Reiki you give yourself will prevent the destruction of many cells and that subsequent recovery will be much quicker.Enjoy your Reiki if you are a practitioner Patrick Hamouy.
Patrick Hamouy started studying various method of healing in February 1993. Starting with Reiki and then progressing to Seichem and Karuna. Patrick now is a Master is all 3 methods of healing.Patrick teaches Macrobiotics, Oriental Diagnosis, Psychic Development, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Indian Head Massage, Reiki and Karuna healing at his school. He also offers courses in Anatomy & Physiology and Massage through the Internet.
Patrick also gives Macrobiotic consultations to people with poor health. His belief is that in order to eradicate a disease, you must go back to its cause to suppress it. He is currently studying Metabolic therapies and the use of B17 (Laetrile / Amygdalin), Essiac tea, Hawaiian Noni Juice and Hoxsey remedies to further help his many clients.
Since 1997, Patrick has been working with Filipino Bare Hand Surgeons. He takes frequent trips to the Philippines with groups of people who believe their health can be improved by this form of healing.
Visit Patricks website: for more information and details of his courses.
Article Source:

Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2007

The Big Book Of Reiki Symbols

This book is unique as it provides a detailed and profound explanation of the traditional Reiki symbols and mantras, with their spiritual traditions, their calligraphically correct spelling, their meanings and functions. The book is a standard guide on Reiki based on years of research and supported by experiences with thousands of students and individual sessions, offering the reader - whether Reiki Masters or practitioners - a careful and well-organized presentation of the material with expert correctness.

Big Book of Reiki Symbols, The